
Excel workbooks and FORTRAN based tools for hydrologic analysis that I have developed over the years are available from this page. Tool and explanation exists where tool name is highlighted and hyperlinked to explanatory page. Tools exist for all listed items but explanatory text has not been written.

Analytical Solutions

  • Distance-drawdown — Theis solution for estimating drawdown at distances from a pumping well.
  • PLISM — Pit Lake Iterative Simulation Model simulates pit lake formation
  • Hydrology functions —A collection of basic math functions in Excel VBA that were developed by Bruce Hunt (Hunt, 2005). Link to Bruce’s macros in Groundwater article is broken. Functions and Bruce’s explanations can be downloaded here.

Aquifer Testing

  • Cooper-Jacob pumping and recovery — Simultaneously analyze drawdown and residual drawdowns to estimate transmissivity from a single-well aquifer test.
  • Step drawdown — Estimate transmissivity and well-loss coefficients from step drawdown data.
  • Distance-drawdown — Estimate transmissivity from multi-well aquifer test under confined or unconfined conditions.
  • Jacob-Lohman — Estimate transmissivity from declining discharge of a flowing well.
  • Slug testing — Estimate hydraulic conductivity from slug tests with Bouwer and Rice (1976) or KGS models (Butler and Garnett, 2000).
  • Drawdown estimation — Drawdowns from pumping can be differentiated from natural water-level fluctuations with water-level modeling in SeriesSEE, a Microsoft® Excel add-in with utilities for viewing, cleaning, manipulating, and analyzing time-series data.

Excel Functionality

KML Mapping

  • KML_3Point-Flow–An Excel application for mapping groundwater flow direction from a few wells in a KML
  • KML_WritePoints—An Excel application for creating a KML file from a coverage of points

Numerical Model Analysis

  • CaptureMF6 – Estimate stream and evapotranspiration capture with simple MODFLOW6 models
  • NoComment —A FORTRAN program for managing large input files 

Water Quality

  • Piper+Stiff —A workbook for creating Piper plots in Excel and mapping Stiff diagrams in Google Earth