
Groundwater wells, potentiometric surface, and flow direction can be mapped in a KML file with the KML_3Point-Flow.v?.xlsm workbook (Figure 1). Potentiometric surface is simulated by fitting a planar surface to groundwater levels from between 3 and 24 wells. Appropriateness of fitting a 3-point problem to greater than three wells can be evaluated with a scatter plot of measured and simulated water levels. Posting of names, measured water levels, simulated water levels, residuals, and weights are specified by the user.

Figure 1.— Example of wells, potentiometric surface, and flow direction from Greenwater Range that was created with the KML_3Point-Flow.v?.xlsm workbook.

Groundwater-flow direction is depicted with a three-dimensional arrow that can be scaled by the user (Figure 2). Groundwater gradient and downgradient compass heading are reported if arrow is selected in Google Earth.

Figure 2.— Displaying groundwater gradient and flow direction while looking upgradient from California highway 190 into Greenwater Range.

KML_3Point-Flow.v3.xlsm and explanatory PDF can be downloaded with the following link.


March 8, 2021—Versions 1 and 2 were created during development.

December 7, 2021—Revisions in version 3 include the following. Workbook modified so that well locations can be specified with decimal latitude-longitude or UTM coordinates. Explanatory comments were added to labels on XYZ page.

February 23, 2024—Revisions in version 4 include the following. Safeguards were added to check that the Solver is installed and the workbook is not opened from within a zip file.