Outline— NGM, September 10-11, 2019
Class material has been revised to reflect inclusion of step-drawdown and coordinate conversion discussions. Material is broken into 2 zip files because of a 128 Mb limit on file size.
- Configure Excel—Stop autosave, clear default directory, trusted locations, show developer tab in ribbon.
- Keyboard navigation and blocks of data, function keys, F2, F4, F8, F9, F11, and heavily used keyboard shortcuts such as, Ctrl+1.
- Status bar –Quick sampling functions—01_PRISM_4.0km.NV.xlsx.
- Paste special—Values, math, transpose—02_NamedRanges.xlsx.
- Named ranges and data validation—02_NamedRanges.xlsx.
- Cooper-Jacob interpretation
- Recovery analysis
- Jacob—Lohman analysis of flowing wells
- Reporting transmissivity
- Complications from thermal expansion
- Conventional interpretation of flow logs
- Effects of vertical flow and turbulence on interpretation of flow logs
- Create stacked bar and lines— 01_BarLine.xlsx.
- Bar charts differentiate positive & negative— 02_Departure.xlsx.
- XY Adding elements to charts –
Copy-paste, Direct entry in formula bar— 03_XYmap.xlsx. - Specify labels from ranges— 04_FC_isotope_PAIRS.xlsx.
- Adding custom symbols to series by pasting— 05_sir2012-5196_app3.xlsm.
- Digitize data with chart— 06_Digitize_from_Picture-in-a-Chart.xlsx.
- Compute perimeter and area of polygon— 07_XY_Perimeter+Area.xlsx.
- Uses and terminology
- Bouwer & Rice
- Oscillating or underdamped slug tests
- Interpreting recovery in tight formations
- Shade PRISM with generic flood—01_PRISM_4.0km.NV.xlsx.
- Controlled shading of PRISM—01_PRISM_4.0km.NV.xlsx.
- Introduce INT and MOD functions—02_CHV_StandardizedLOG.xlsm.
- Build standardized log with remove duplicates, conditional formatting, MROUND, and VLOOKUP function—02_CHV_StandardizedLOG.xlsm.
- Apply functions in a scrap workbook to avoid stray named ranges.
- Introduce LEFT, VALUE, LEN, FIND, MID, RIGHT, IF, and ISNUMBER functions— 01_TextManipulate.xlsx.
- Introduce SUBSTITUTE, TEXT, and HYPERLINK functions—01_TextManipulate.xlsx.
- If statements and logic— 02_IFplus.xlsx.
- Create scatter plot and categorize data — 03_TransmissivityDV3.xlsx.
- Error handling with IF statements— 04_ErrorHandling.xlsx
- Analysis of relation between transmissivity estimates from aquifer-tests and predicted hydraulic conductivity distributions from geohydrologic frameworks in southern Nevada.
- Field-scale estimates of flow measurements, K, or transmissivity are compared to fracture counts, fault effects, thickness of geohydrologic units, and depth.
- Recommendations for designing and calibrating groundwater-flow models.
- Analyze specific conductance-chloride from Death
Regress in chart and duplicate with equations—01_linearQW.xlsx. - Analyze log-transformed specific capacity-transmissivity
relations and
demonstrate limitations of regression equations—
- Demonstrate SeriesSEE, an Excel Add-In for analyzing time series or geophysical logs.
- Install and illustrate example with class.
- Create Google Earth cover of PRISM output for Nevada—01_ARRAY_PRISM_4.0km.NV.xlsx & KMLmakeARRAY.GridPoly.v2.xlsm.
- Dynamically subsample PRISM output with OFFSET and MATCH functions—01_ARRAY_PRISM_4.0km.NV.xlsx.
- Build histogram and sum cumulative precipitation volumes with COUNTIF and SUMIF functions—01_ARRAY_PRISM_4.0km.NV.xlsx.
11_ SIM-Geo2K_Calibration+ModelDiagnostics
- Illustrate creating and calibrating of
groundwater model from southern Nevada
- Distributing hydraulic conductivities with a geologic framework
- Stress-response approach to calibrating flow models
- Calibration criteria for steady-state model—Differences between simulated and measured water levels, water-level profiles, discharges, transmissivities.
- Calibration criteria for transient model—Differences between simulated and measured water-level changes and spring flows. Illustrate with hydrographs mapped in Google Earth (KMZ files).
- Mapping hydraulic-property distributions to KMZ files. Qualitatively evaluate where estimates “Look funny.”
- Map features with XY chart, add XY locator, and sample map area from Google Earth—Example_SS-ModelDiagnostics.
- Explain weighted sum-of-squares objective functions and parameter transforms necessary for using the Solver add-in— 00_ParameterEstimation+SOLVER.pptx.
- 2-parameter Theis example—01_Theis_Solution+Sensitivity.xlsm.
- 3-parameter Theis with image well for analyzing aquifer test—02_TheisStream.xlsm.
- Estimate A, B, and C for a velocity index-stage
03_Velocity-Stage-Relation.xlsm. - Differences between regularization with zones and prior information—04_RegularizeParameters-Compare.xlsm.
- Translate 3-column data to a table—Use remove duplicates, MATCH, and OFFSET functions—01_3columnQW.xlsx.
- Parse stream flow data with text to columns— 02_MuddyR_finish.xlsx.
- Reduce data with pivot tables— 02_MuddyR_finish.xlsx.
- Dynamically reduce with MATCH and OFFSET functions— 02_MuddyR_finish.xlsx.
- Discuss interpretation of multiple-well aquifer with analytical and numerical tools.
- Present examples of detecting small drawdowns with water-level modeling.
- Demonstrate effects of additional wells and information with 2016 and 2018 carbonate-rock aquifer tests at Long Canyon.
- Present tool for plotting Piper diagram and mapping Stiff plots with example from Southern Nevada.
- Simulate pit lake with simple model of precipitation, ET, and groundwater inflow. Simulated stage solved with forward differences. Demonstrates interpolation in look-up tables — 01_WaterBalance.xlsm.
- Replicate pit lake model with user-defined function that iteratively solves for lake stage. Demonstrates ease of applying user-defined functions — 01_WaterBalance.xlsm.
- Demonstrates user-defined functions for determining if a XY location is inside or outside of a polygon and translating coordinates between UTM and latitude-longitude — InOut+UTM2LL_Functions.xlsm.
- Demonstrate user-defined functions for simulating drawdowns from variable pumping rates by superimposing Theis solutions — Theis_SuperTime.xlsm.