NWRA Aquifer-testing class, March 26, 2025


  • Introduction and overview of aquifer testing
  • Effect of real wells on observed changes


  • Review theory of slug testing, Present methods of analyzing overdamped and underdamped slug tests
  • CLASS EXERCISE–Analyze example overdamped and underdamped slug tests
  • Compare small-scale pumping test and slug test results
  • Opportunistically interpret recovery data in low-permeability rocks


  • DemReview Cooper-Jacob approximation of Theis solution, introduce workbook solution, and extend Cooper-Jacob to analysis of recovery data
  • Introduce Jacob-Lohman analysis of constant drawdown
  • CLASS EXERCISE–Analyze single-well drawdown and recovery with Cooper-Jacob and Cooper-Jacob recovery approaches


  • Introduce step tests for characterizing well performance and estimating transmissivity
  • Demonstrate that transmissivity should be reported
  • Discuss complications from thermal expansion
  • Explain effects of turbulent losses in aquifer on interpretation of drawdowns in open boreholes
  • CLASS EXERCISE–Analyze step test


  • Present interpretative approach for multiple-well aquifer test
  • Detecting smaller drawdowns with water-level models and expanding investigated volumes
  • Demonstrate effects of well and piezometer design on water-level monitoring


  • Integrating aquifer-test results with simulated hydraulic conductivities in groundwater-flow models
  • Show robustness of relation between specific capacity and transmissivity
  • Create KML file from NDWR well-log data with hyperlink to PDF of each posted well log


  • Review guidelines for documenting aquifer-test results and examples